I travel a round trip of 60km daily to work and back. I want to
buy a Leaf for environmental reasons but can't afford a newer one. My
budget is up to £8k which means I can get one that's a few years old
and still has 12 bars battery but is declining. Is the Leaf designed for
that kind of daily use? Would I find that using it that much/driving it
that hard means it would become problematic? What should I look out
for? A friend suggested I'd be better to buy a fuel-efficient ICE car. Do
you agree?
Any thoughts welcome!
Leaf owner here. I’m doing a 65km round trip daily. It's a 24kWh
Gen 2 S, 2014 with 12 bars/93% SOH, 25000km. I use about 45% each
day (return) so charge to 80% mostly. If I need more, I go to 100% or top
up at work (Luckily, I can).
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